
Arab Women Doctors

Sample List of
Arab Women Doctors


Services For
Arab Women Doctors




شبكة الطبيبات العربية

Career Advancement

Networking Power

Global Introductions




Arab Women Doctors Network (AWDN) was found to enhance the world awareness of Arab Women Doctors' contributions to local communities as well as to the professional communities. Also, to provide a variety of support services for our members which include the recognition of their accomplishments, design special projects and to answer their questions about future plans and marketing their invention.

مقدمة :ى

لقد تم ايجاد شبكة الطبيبات العرب
لتعزيز الوعي العالمي عن مساهمة الطبيبات العرب في المجتمعات المحلية وكذلك في المجتمعات الطبية. بالاضافة الى توفير مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الدعم لأعضائنا والتي تشمل التالي:ى

الاعلام عن انجازاتهن.ى

تصميم مواقع الانترنت الاعلامية الخاصة لهن.ى
توفير اجوبة من الاخصائيين لعلاج وتثقيف مرضاهم.ى
توفير المعلومات عن طرق تسويق اختراعاتهم.ى

Arab Women Advances In Education Sciences:

افتتاح كلية طب الأسنان للفتيات بجامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن
وهي الوحيدة المخصصة للفتيات في أكبر جامعة على مستوى العالم، فإننا لدينا تطلعات عالية في أن نصبح سباقين ورواد في مجال طب الأسنان، ولذلك نسعى جاهدين للتعريف بدور المرأة في طب الأسنان بالسعودية. فعلى الرغم من حداثة الكلية، إلا انها  بدأت على الفور في إقامة علاقات تعاون دولي مع المؤسسات التعليمية الرائدة حول العالم وذلك حتى يشاركونا  في هذه التجربة المثيرة.  ا.



Recognized Arab Women  Doctors:

  • Dr. Donna E. Shalala:

  • Diana V. Messadi, D.D.S., M.M.Sc., D.M.Sc.
    Chair of the Section of Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain
    UCLA School of Dentistry
    10833 Le Conte Ave.
    Box 951668
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668

    Dr. Messadi has written over 50 research articles, review papers, and chapters in textbooks and 70 abstracts. She is also the recipient of several NIH grants and private Foundations grants to study the effect of growth factors in wound healing, role of apoptosis in keloid formation, new diagnostic tools for detection of malignant oral lesions and clinical trials on oral cancer and chemoprevention, and recently she is the PI of an education grant from NIDCR. She also mentors several undergraduate, predental and postdental students for their research projectsAwards.

  • Professor Ghada Mutlaq Abdulrahman Al Mutairi:
    Won the USA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s Pioneer Award Program. A  three-million-dollar grant was given to the professor for winning the best scientific research that discover an object which reflect rays and treats illnesses without the need for surgery.

  • Dr. Nada Abbas Haffadh
    Appointed the first Bahraini and Arab Health Minister in 2004.

  • Dr. Fadheela AL-Mahroos:
    Member of the Supreme Council for Women, Bahrain


  • Dr. Lubna Al-Elian:
    Was  the first Saudi woman elected to the board of King Abdullah University for Science and Technology.

  • Dr. Sameera Islam:
    Professor of pharmacology and recipient of the UNESCO prize for women in science.

  • Dr. Salwa Al-Haza:
    Consultant in ophthalmology and winner of the award for Arab Woman of the Year.


We Invite Your Recommendations For Listing Arab Women Doctors at this network. Also, your suggestions are always welcome.

Please send your material to the following E. Mail address:   arabwomendocs@gmail.com




Preferred Specialists


Accuro Diagnostic Imaging

Aadco Medical

AAKK Surgical Corporation

Accent Microcell Industries

Patient Education

Plastic Surgery

Questions & Answers
Semira Bayati, MD




Red M. Alinsod, MD


Plastic Surgery

Villy Rodopoulou, MD

Maria Archontaki, MD

Luigi Lapalorcia, MD

Dana K. Khuthaila, MD
USA, Canada

Semira Bayati, MD

Michael J. Sundine, MD

Khosrow Matini, MD


Red M. Alinsod, MD

Breast Oncology

Eleni Litina MD

Weight Loss And
Antiaging Treatments

Maria Psoma,  MD, PhD

Cosmetic Dentistry

Ismail Elsherif, DDS

Arab Women Doctors
Grants, cholarships

Arab Women
Hospitals, Clinics


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